One of the Sr. Pool loans is currently in default. This may impact the returns of your investment. Please see this governance post for more details. In addition, currently, monthly interest payments and principal repayments are less than the current withdrawal demand. As such, the Goldfinch Senior Pool cannot accommodate all withdrawal requests.
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Goldfinch Protocol

Goldfinch Senior Pool

The Senior Pool gives Liquidity Providers (LPs) exposure to a variety of borrowers on the Goldfinch protocol. LPs who provide capital into the Senior Pool are capital providers in search of diversified exposure, diversified exposure across any Borrower Pool with Senior Pool capital. See full list of Borrower Pools with Senior Pool exposure here.
Variable USDC APY
Variable GFI APY
Loan term
The current utilization rate is 100%. Therefore, not all withdrawals can be processed at this time. As borrowers make interest and principal payments, withdrawals will be processed according to the withdrawal queue.


Capital allocated
Total pool assets
Utilization rate
Total loss rate
Next repayment


Diversified capital
The Senior Pool gives Liquidity Providers exposure to a variety of borrowers on the Goldfinch protocol. These borrowers span 25+ countries, and vary in use cases such as asset financing, SME loans and consumer loans. This is intended to serve investors in search of diversified yield generated through real world economic activity.
Protected by first-loss capital
All deals protected by 20-25% first-loss capital bar one legacy investment found here.
Overcollateralized with real-world off-chain assets.
Ongoing monitoring
Borrowers are required to provide quarterly reporting in secure datarooms.

Risk mitigation

Senior Pool capital risk
Senior Pool capital is diversified across various borrower pools, and has the first lien on the assets across these pools. In return for this Seniority, it gives a portion of nominal interest to the junior investors who participate in the individual borrower pools as a “risk premium.” All deals protected by 20-25% first-loss capital bar one legacy investment found here.
Capital from these pools is used to finance real-world private debt transactions. USDC is converted to fiat by the Borrowers and used off-chain to finance economic activity, thus protected from on-chain DeFi volatility.
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Senior Tranche
Junior Tranche
Borrower Pool Principal Value
Deal structure
Liquidity pool
The Goldfinch protocol automatically allocates Senior Pool capital across various vetted Borrower Pools. All deals protected by 20-25% first-loss capital bar one legacy investment found here.
This loan is secured with real-world, off-chain assets as collateral
Post-close reporting
Investors can access borrower-reported updates via the investment-gated Discord channel
Legal recourse

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